The past few weeks have provided numerous opportunities to try new things...especially food! I started documenting the different places that we've been so no one would be surprised when we are rolled off the plane for our first visit home ;-)
Anyone who knows me can tell how happy I was when I found chips and salsa and margaritas! (Chi-Chi's Restaurant, Abu Dhabi)
I took this pic at the supermarket in Dubai. These prawns are HUGE!
Pete ordered "GIANT PRAWNS" off the menu at the Aquarium Restaurant in Dubai.
Pretzels and beer (and lots of meat) at the Brauhaus with Jenny, Rupert, Matt and Mary.
The fanciest burgers you've ever seen! (With champagne at the Emirates Palace Hotel)
We went here for Thursday night happy hour!
When we got our tickets for the Taste of Dubai, they had a tasty looking picture of shrimp on the front. We found what was in the pic, and boy were they good!
Completely stuffed after sampling food from the top chefs in Dubai.
Our fellow Taste of Dubai-ers. Pam, Angie, and ?
If you get too full, you can take a break and lounge at the sheesha bar.
After a full afternoon of sampling, we went for a real meal (haha!) at Asado, an Argentine restaurant. They had some goats cooking over a fire in the kitchen. The nice waiter let us in to take a pic.
My tenderloin and salad, with Pete and Norman's goat (cabrito) in the background.
Naturally, we couldn't leave without dessert! Six flavors of sorbet including: Maté, Malbec, Sweet potato, and Mascarpone
Back to reality: 2 dollar dinner at Al Rousha. 1 meat and 1 chicken shawarma. Best $2 in town!
Pete digs in.