Friday, January 20, 2012


Hi there! If you're still checking this blog...perhaps you don't know that I've still been blogging, just over at another address! Pete told me the other day that a few people have mentioned to him that they were disappointed that I shut this blog down. I hope that you can still keep up with our Abu Dhabi adventures over at my other address. The website is:  So update your bookmarks and see you there!
christine :-)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Five Months

This is a little overdue, but Elise turned 5 months a couple of weeks ago.  Just look at that sweet girl and how big she is getting! 
Also, I've been keeping another blog since she was born. This might explain my lack of posts on this one. Have a peek if you're interested: BLOG

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Elise and I hosted the Bumps and Babes group at our house for a Halloween party last week. So much fun!
Elise was so grumpy!
The E's: Elise, Eva, Erin 
We lined all the babies up on the couch

Lil Punkin Elise and her momma

Friday, October 15, 2010

One, two, three, FOUR months!

Elise is four months old today! As of this week, she can roll over...and boy does she love it! She can't quite sit up on her own yet. She can't crawl yet either, but she sure tries! I tried to take a similar monthly photo to the previous ones, but she will NOT stay still. Case in point: 
Happy Birthday Baby Elise!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jebel Hafeet

We took a little day trip down to Al Ain this Saturday to check out Jebel Hafeet. Though it is not the highest point in the country, it is definitely the highest point anywhere nearby. There is a road that goes to the top where you can see some pretty nice views (on a clear day).  I was not too impressed with it - especially the amount of trash and general unkempt look of the roadway. It was one of those things that you just have to do while you're here though, so we went. There is a hotel at the top as well as a little convenience store. Outside there are some very old looking kiddie rides and a few pathetic games.

Quick stop on the way up
There is a palace at the top
The coffee shop was closed, but we were able to get some ice cream and water at the little convenience store.
Who would play this game?! All there was to grab was old foam squares and a really old looking watch.
Elise on one of the rides! (Don't worry, it's not moving...she's not old enough for that, yet!)
The road to the palace: "No Admisition"
Hazy view from the top

Elise Hosts B&B

Elise and I have been going to a weekly get-together held in our area since before she was even born! The group, called Bumps and Babes, is for pregnant and new mothers and their babies. It's a good chance to meet up with babies that are similar in age and commiserate with the other mothers. Right now, the group is made up of several babies that were all born within a few weeks of each other. It's pretty cool to watch them grow and progress together! This week, we hosted the group at our house. It was a good turn out! We cleared the living room so there would be plenty of room for the babies to play:
You can tell a couple of the babies are enthralled with Baby Einstein on the TV 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Pete

Awhile back, Pete asked for some photos to decorate the blank walls in his office. I was pregnant at the time and too tired to really get around to it.  When I was trying to think of what to get him for his birthday, this finally popped into my head! Here is the little photo collage I put together for his birthday present.  Hope he enjoys it! :-) 
Happy Birthday Pete!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Roll-y Suitcase

The guy (Nushad) who hangs stuff up on the wall came over today to put a few shelves up. I snapped a quick pic of the little rolly bag that he brings his stuff in. I don't know why, but it cracks me up every time!

Elise's World

Elise's room is finally put together, for the most part anyway. A lot of people asked to see pics when I was at home, but I didn't have any because it was still in a bit of a state when we left for Ireland. So here ya go! 
Crib and rocking chair - wall decor courtesy of IKEA (and Uncle Steve)
Dresser and changing table (and bright sunshine-y window)
Every room needs a little camel.
Initials on the changing table (The animals they chose are a little random though! Elk, kookabura, and mole??? How about elephant, kangaroo, and monkey?!)
A new play area has suddenly popped up in the living room.
And finally, I just stuck these two photos in a frame together and I really love the juxtaposition of serious and happy. Too cute!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tres Meses

She sleeps through the night...and giggles! What a joy! Happy three month birthday little one - love you so so much!